........UCP's mission is to advance the independence and full citizenship of individuals across a spectrum of disabilities, including Cerebral Palsy. UCP is a proud CT Tech Act Project Partner........

Quicktalker 12 Check Availability

The QuickTalker FeatherTouch 12 speech device provides multi-message communication that is highly portable, durable, and easy to use. The FeatherTouch membrane responds to the lightest touches and smallest fingers, and makes it easy for almost anyone to communicate. QuickTalker FeatherTouch 12 includes 48 unique messages available across five recording levels and provides an individual with robust communication options throughout the day.

Quaker Hill Assistive Technology Center - 42 Norwich Road in Quaker Hill. Stratford Assistive Technology Center - 300 Long Beach Boulevard in Stratford. Call 860-288-9519 for more information.