........UCP's mission is to advance the independence and full citizenship of individuals across a spectrum of disabilities, including Cerebral Palsy. UCP is a proud CT Tech Act Project Partner........

Ablenet Hook +iOS Switch Interface Check Availability

The Hook+ is an Apple MFi approved switch interface that provides a reliable wired connection to the iPad and iPhone via the Lightning connector. The Hook+ is compatible with Switch Control found in iOS 8 or later. Once the Hook+ is connected and Switch Control is configured, you can do almost anything on an iPad or iPhone with a switch. Read an eBook, write an email, browse the internet, play games, control your home, and much more!

Quaker Hill Assistive Technology Center - 42 Norwich Road in Quaker Hill. Stratford Assistive Technology Center - 300 Long Beach Boulevard in Stratford. Call 860-288-9519 for more information.