........UCP's mission is to advance the independence and full citizenship of individuals across a spectrum of disabilities, including Cerebral Palsy. UCP is a proud CT Tech Act Project Partner........

Easi-Grip Garden Trowel Check Availability

Digging with this Easi-Grip Garden Trowel is much easier than with a standard garden tool.

The angled handle makes gripping less stressful on the user's wrist.

This makes it a useful gardening aid for those with weak wrists or forearms.

The Easi-Grip Garden Trowel has a broad, comfortable handle while the wrist is kept in a neutral position.

Quaker Hill Assistive Technology Center - 42 Norwich Road in Quaker Hill. Stratford Assistive Technology Center - 300 Long Beach Boulevard in Stratford. Call 860-288-9519 for more information.